Monday 30 July 2012

Interviews !

The interview is one of the most important elements in the job search process. When an employer invites you to an interview, he/she is indicating an interest in bringing you on board. The interview gives both of you the opportunity to exchange enough information to determine if you are a good "fit" for each other. Think of an interview as a highly focused professional conversation. You should use the limited amount of time you have to learn about an employer's needs and discuss the ways you can meet these needs. In many cases, you will interview at least twice before being hired for a position. Once in a brief screening interview and at least once again in a more serious meeting when you may also speak with many of your potential coworkers.

The job interview is a strategic conversation with a purpose. Your goal is to show the employer that you have the skills, background, and ability to do the job and that you can successfully fit into the organization and its culture. The interview is also your opportunity to gather information about the job, the organization, and future career opportunities to figure out if the position and work environment are right for you.
Most employers do not hire people based on merit alone. Personality, confidence, enthusiasm, a positive outlook, and excellent interpersonal and communication skills count heavily in the selection process.

After your cover letter and résumé, the interview is your best opportunity to wow the employer-regardless of your background and experience. To do this, use every possible strategy to develop effective interviewing skills. The best way is to prepare a selective presentation of your background, thoughtful answers to potential interview questions, well-researched questions about the organization, and an effective strategy to market yourself. Also consider your career goals and what the available job offers so that you can discuss both of these topics with employers. Interviewing is a skill that improves and becomes easier with practice. Check with your school career center or your local Employment Service office to see if it offers workshops and individual videotaped mock interviews for practice.

Tuesday 24 July 2012


If you look at recent history, people are starting to sleep less and less. Less than 100 years ago, people slept 9 hours a night on average; now they're getting less than 7 hours. We have so many modern conveniences that are supposed to save us time, but really they just give us more to do. Before you accept not sleeping enough as an inevitable way of life, consider the harmful effects sleep deprivation could be having on your body.

Physical Effects

* Inability to properly process glucose. This can lead to high blood sugar levels and other symptoms of type II diabetes. This also causes glucose to be stored as fat, which can lead to weight gain

* Increased symptoms of aging

* Core body temperature is lowered, which can impair proper functioning.

* Less consistent heart beat.

Mental Effects

* Less control over speech; exhibited through slurring, stuttering, speaking in monotone, and choosing repetitive words and clichés. Scientists assume this occurs because the speech center of the brain actually shuts down and another, less capable part, must take over.

* While short term memory may be improved, there is a decreased ability to access older memories and convert long term to short term memory. It is almost impossible to learn a new skill. 

* Decreased creativity, especially when it comes to problem solving. Sleep deprived people tend to be slower and less accurate when solving problems.

* Hallucinations and even temporary insanity can occur from a lack of REM sleep.

* Decreased judgment abilities and reaction time. Sleep deprivation is comparable to alcohol intoxication when it comes to driving ability.

I am sharing this today not because i am suffering from insomnia , it is just because i slept too much on the afternoon just now and i couldn't make myself sleepy even by studying books !
And i am not sure whether this is healthy ! Not gonna sleep until i am going to school later .. 2.35 AM !

Thursday 19 July 2012

Finish Strong

“Finishing strong is more important than how you start”.

 Common wisdom says you need to make a good first impressionFirst impressions leave a lasting memory, right? Even a simple Google search for advice on first impressions, and you’ll be flooded by advice on all sorts of “rules”, “tips”, and even videos.  Try the same search for finishing strong and you’ll probably be underwhelmed.

However, I did find one result which was particularly fascinating.  It’s by a man named Nick Vujicic.  Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs, but is using his disability to inspire people.  He gives  a very moving speech called “Are You Going To Finish Strong?”.   I suggest giving this a watch; It’s only two minutes and forty seconds long and it may get you to think differently about life and how you approach problems.  

The most interesting thing to me is, that we HAVE been taught to finish strong, but finishing strong takes more effort.  That makes it harder advice to listen to. Finishing strong involves hard work, concentration, and a clear focus on an end goal.
Think about it from the athlete’s point of view.  What’s more important to the athlete, how they start the race or how they finish?  For the corporate executive, is it more important to start a presentation correctly or to finish strong?  What do you think would create a more lasting memory?   While the start IS important, the finish is everything.  It determines whether you win the race or lose.  It determines whether you get the sale or don’t.
A good start will help you get to the finish line faster, but without a strong push at the end,  you’ll come up short.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Too Young ~ No Regrets

Everyone has a magical box in life
Its always filled with different unexpected things
Candies , Chocolates , Books , love the worst thing is Hurt
you find a way to hide from all the pain
you find a way to run away from your problems
you give yourself a million reasons not to face it
finding someone special in your life is hard
you probably won't find the right one 
so you just have to understand that as long as spending your time with the person you love even if it doesn't last every precious moment is worth it 
all the memories all the pictures you taken every bit of it makes you think back about the past and smile 
if you really love someone and you didn't have a chance to tell them get the courage to say it tell them how you feel even if you know the answer is no 
at least you wouldn't regret sit down in the corner in the future asking god why didn't you make that stupid move...
just tell them how you feel if you can't get them out of your mind 
cherish every moment being with them because you can't see what god brings to you in the future it might be good might be bad 
but everyone has their ups and downs 
accept what you are having now because happiness is like a dogs tail you try so hard just trying to find it and do everything to get it but you forget that its always with you
what you are having now gives you happiness 
study hard , care about others , give others a smile cause it might mean a lot to them

if you never have what you wanted in life you will want to give others what you can't have and make sure that they don't follow your foot steps :) 

Saturday 14 July 2012


behind every pair of eyes
behind every drop of tears
behind all the make up
behind all the smiles
behind all the laughter
behind all those action
you try to hide from people
the person you love left you , you beg them please don't go and come back but they didn't look around you fake a smile in front of the crowd and act like you don't care but behind close curtains and doors you sat at the corner and ask why

you are in pain but you don't want anyone to worry about you , you just put a little smile on your face and follow the crowd but the pain in your soul is slowly killing you inside you hide from everyone and slowly die inside bit by bit and part by part you are disappearing

Sometimes you don't realize what you have and you just keep asking for more
and when its gone you feel sad and you regret why you never took care of it properly before... and when everything is too late you just cry and blame hit flat on the ground you get yourself hurt 


there is always sunshine after the rain and pain 
you tend to build up the strength in you and you stand back up and fight for what you want .


Everything these days are about passion! 
If you have the passion to do something you will succeed if you are just doing it for the sake of popularity .. No sorry , you won't get it far ! and if you are doing it just for the sake of other people and fitting in sorry your life is such a pity .

I've met so many kind of people throughout my entire 18 years of life and i've met people that follow what their parents want and be who their parents wanna be , i've met people that fight for things that they like but they hurt the people around them , i've met people that look sweet on the outside but has a heart of an evil witch , i've met people that only likes to follow what others want to do just to get famous!

But Why ? Everything that people are doing now have less passion its like everyone is programmed by a computer or something , not really willing or excited to do something anymore.
The lack of Fire and Desire really brought all the spirit down . 

Everything is about the money , fast car , fast men/women because time is just so short nowadays

Thursday 12 July 2012

Why are we second best ?

Why are we second best?
Have you ever think about it?
Have you ever felt like no one wants you and even if they pick you , you are always second and someone else or something comes first place in their heart but that will never be you?

Things will never happen the way we wished them to happen ~~

What I think :
I can always give up everything in my life to just to make her feels happy , give up all my time just to meet her up , just to see that smiles and sparkles in her eyes ...

But what do i get is just always opposite .. ? i might not be the first she wants to see , and .. i will NEVER be the FIRST ! 

However i understand Its never wrong everyone get to choose who they want to put first place and how they want their world to revolve around.

Its not like i am asking for a lot , i just wanna ask ..
Is it that hard to give up some time to do the one that cares for you a little favor like this ..
Is it that hard to not let the one who cares for you think that you choose other guy over him ..
do you know how hard it actually is for the one to understand why he can never be the first deep inside your heart , why he is always the second best , why he only comes after something .. why and why and why ..

One does not simply care for you , especially if it is a guy caring for a girl , if one does , simply means he really cares
~girls out there in this planet~you should learn how to appreciate all the things guys do for you ..
Not only start realizing it after you lose them ..