Remember those days when you were a kid? you didn't even have to think about whats going to happen tomorrow or next? you just do what you feel is right , and follow your heart? even if it makes you look stupid but at the end of the day it was a good lesson learnt .
Nowadays , especially when you are officially 18 now , you come across with lots of things that you have to accept even though you find it very difficult ..
The first challenge that comes into your life in this stage is of course your tertiary studies .. especially for lucky students like me that happened to be studying STPM ! with all the homework we were asked to do every day , with all the new syllabus coming in from no where and alien explanations where everybody find it so hard to understand , however one does not just give up this like that , but we are all just way too exhausted
What comes more challenging to my life is not only those studies that i am forced to face everyday , but ! CHOICES ! Growing up you face a lot of problems not because you get all fucked up with your private life but its just that when you grow up , you start to have a lot of CHOICES , and those choices can determine what and who you are going to be in the future. You start making choices but you start to wonder if its for the better or not.
actually my main intension wasn't to talk about how stress up my life is , its just that... you know sometimes you really want to spend some times with the the you love even if its just talking for awhile and staring into each other eyes..
Now I know what Matt mean. BIG BEAR HUG :)